Monday, January 6, 2014

By the way, did anyone else gain some holiday weight?

Well I am sure I gained some holiday weight, because I know I haven't stopped eating since Halloween! 

I think my body hates me right now: I worked so hard last year to lose 70 lbs and  it's crazy how fast you can gain some back. 

I need to get on the scale to see the damage:
  • 201 lbs. 
  • Ok, so I gained 8lbs. 
  • No big deal. 
  • Goal: 165 lbs. 

I have actually lost and gained 80 lbs twice in my life before. We are all humans and we all make mistakes. However, it is very important to learn from our mistakes before they become bad habits. 

Since I want to start this year off on the right track, then I need to start from day 1. I made a decision to quit smoking, and I'm sticking to it! They say it takes up to 3 months to form new habits. Why not develop a healthier lifestyle altogether? 
  • Dear Cigarettes, bye bye now. 
  • Dear Junk Food, bye bye now.

(My future self is already thanking me!) 

Being healthy doesn't just means physically fit. It also means we must be mentally fit. Your health depends upon your eating habits, physical activities and inner peace.

  1. Develop Good Eating Habits
  2. Drink at least 64 oz of water a day
  3. Avoid Junk Foods and fattening foods
  4. Be physically active
  5. Be Optimistic :) 

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (/TheNancyZone), and follow my blog, and I will guide you through all the steps. I might not be a doctor but I have spent thousands of dollars on diets, and I assure you that none of them worked. Just stay motivated and it's all in your mind. I will teach you everything that I have learned along the years; both physical activity and nutrition.

Passion + Dedication = Success! 

Once again, I wish you all a Happy new year and Happy new you!! 


  1. Your quit smoking video (Vlog) was great thanks. As for dieting definitely check out Atkins (the book).
