Saturday, January 11, 2014

Smoking May Satisfy You Now, But Remember its Damage in the Future

I was really nervous about kicking a 2-year/10-a-day habit without any patches or tablets. Cups of coffee were difficult to get through as I always associated that flavor with smoking. Therefore, I changed my routine in the morning.
So in the past week, I avoided drinking my morning coffee with my mom (who smokes), and instead, I drank my coffee in the car on my way to the gym (which I didn’t associate so much with cigarettes). I also found driving long distances a bit difficult at first especially since I smoked in my car. But I started carrying  a bottle of water in the car with me that I could take a little swig out of worked wonders.

         Today is Day 10, and truthfully, my will power did fail me once. I lasted for 8 days without a single cigarette, but on Day 9, I was having a really bad day at work, and I smoked a cigarette for comfort. I immediately regretted it. I felt weak and I was very disappointed with myself.

“Did I really just let one cigarette take control over my mind and body?? I know I am stronger than this!”
Don’t give anything or anyone that much power over you.

When you decide to quit, you will notice that the hardest part is missing the regular cigarette and for me, it was the cigarette breaks at work and the post-meal cigarettes.

However, if you are determined to do it you'll do it. The cravings only last a few seconds and they pass quickly. Distract yourself and you'll be fine.

Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. When it comes to health reasons, all smokers usually ignore its effects on their general health.

This is my analogy: If you eat junk foods, you will gain weight. That weight gain is a visible result. When you stop eating junk food, you will lose weight. Once again, that is another visible result. Unfortunately with cigarettes, giving up for health reasons will not give you immediate gratification.

Find alternative reasons: Skin, Pollution, Teeth, Smell… etc.
Whatever it is, find your motivation.

Just imagine what you can do with the money you save and treat yourself to something you will enjoy as a reward to your accomplishments!!!

I truly don’t recommend the nicotine gums and patches because you can easily become addicted to them.

I made the decision to quit weeks before New Year’s Eve, but but I recommend you quit the minute you decide. Otherwise, you are going to worry and stress about it. And if you’re anything like me, you will start smoking so much more than you ever did just so that you can get it out of your system.  

Smoke the LAST of your pack of cigarettes before you go to bed. In the morning your nicotine level will be low and you won't crave it so much as long as you don't top it back up.

“Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to.”

Lesson of the day: What comes easy won’t last. What lasts won’t come easy.

Good Luck!!!

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